
This came about when I got a massage a couple of weeks ago and turned into NINE PAGES OF A SIMPLE THING WITH CUTE AND SILLY CONVERSATIONS! But I asked a couple of my lovely friends to use their OC's for a fic. What was intended for a cameo turne dinto them taking supporting/leading roles. … Continue reading Massage


Apparently I am deciding that the size and strength if horns in my fiends is a measurement of how virile and fertile they are or how much prowess they have and bigger horns are strongly desired in both males and females. Val'Keleth has this issue. But he only has eyes for one. One of the … Continue reading Horns

Ozrai Silverhorn (AKA This Bitch) UPDATED

Ozrai Silverhorn  This bitch. Let me tell you about this bitch. This is a sassy ass bitch started out as a dnd character, the typical ‘sleep with anything he finds pretty’ bard. Leaning toward the male preference rather than female. But he has been developing into something more. It’s his sass that makes me adore … Continue reading Ozrai Silverhorn (AKA This Bitch) UPDATED